I just got a Brazilian Blowout, what comes next?- Brazilian Blowout aftercare in a nutshell


Picture this: You’ve just gotten a Brazilian Blowout and with it, your dream hairstyle that’s hassle and frizz-free, and you’re ready to enjoy it. While we’re all for you savouring your gorgeous new look, there’s just one more thing that’s essential if you want to keep that look. Namely, aftercare, which is all about maintaining your hair and making sure that it lasts for as long as possible. 

When you hear the word aftercare, you might be thinking of long, complicated processes that seem tedious and time-consuming, but we’re here to assure you that aftercare is really quite the opposite! So before we get into the importance of aftercare, let’s do a quick recap of what the Brazilian Blowout is.

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In short, the Brazilian Blowout is a revolutionary amino-based smoothing treatment that’s capable of taking damaged, untameable locks and turning them into sleek, shiny and radiant hair in 100 minutes or less. Besides leaving your hair in a much better condition than before, the Brazilian Blowout also saves you lots of time by giving you flawless hair 24/7, so you can cut down on the time you take to get ready. 

You can check out more amazing benefits of the Brazilian Blowout in our other article here, but for now, let’s carry on to how the lack of aftercare can affect your hair even after receiving this wonderful treatment.

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When left uncared for, your once beautiful and smooth hair is likely to revert back to its original frizzy and haphazard state

Not doing your due diligence after a Brazilian Blowout can often result in your hair losing its sleek and smooth nature very quickly, as opposed to 12 weeks if cared for properly.

This is why implementing proper aftercare is such an essential part of getting your hair done, you do not want to wash your money down the drain! The Brazilian Blowout home care is color-safe and suitable for our humid weather.

Besides, aftercare really isn’t that time-consuming or troublesome, which we’ll demonstrate with some examples and tips!


As we know our humid weather causes our hair to forget its ‘styled state’ and go back to its natural state, blow-drying after each hair wash helps to lock in and preserve the Brazilian Blowout look for a longer lasting result. We recommend doing the Brazilian Blowout every 3-4 months. As it is a cumulative treatment, every time you receive the Brazilian Blowout, your hair will be less frizzy and easier to manage.

You’ll also find that home maintenance also serves as an effective way of making sure that your treatment lasts. Our salons and website offer a wide range of products that are able to lock in moisture and keep humidity at bay, giving your Brazilian Blowout week one results. This exclusive range is color-safe, sulphate and cruelty-free, some of the leave in products contain full spectrum of UVA/UVB protection that is perfect for our sunny weather!

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If you’ve dabbled in hair treatments before, you’ll know that protecting your hair from being damaged by heat is a must, and Brazilian Blowout’s Ionic Bonding Spray ($60) is just the thing for the job. When sprayed before blow-drying your hair, the spray not only protects your hair but also cuts down on the time taken to blow dry by 50%, saving you more time when you’re on the go! We love how lightweight it is, it also helps to detangle and seal hair cuticle while promoting optimum longevity of Brazilian Blowout Smoothing treatments and to lock in the look and feel of week one results.

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Brazilian Blowout’s Acai Deep Conditioning Masque ($70) is another game-changing aftercare product! All you need is to use it once a week after shampoo, and the masque will help to repair and fortify your hair whilst eliminating frizz, ultimately promoting the shine you desire. All of which guarantees that your Brazilian Blowout can last for as long as possible.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! For more life-changing aftercare products, we strongly encourage you to check out our very own online store to browse the varieties of options at your fingertips to properly care for your Brazilian Blowout. 


The benefits the Brazilian Blowout brings to different hair types


5 reasons why the Brazilian Blowout will change your life - and hair - forever